04-10-2010 11:29 AM
When I start LV I no longer get the start-up screen that usually appears after the splash-screen. Also when I select from the menu File-->New... Labview just creates a new blank VI (as if I had selected File-->New VI) and displays the error message 'The New file dialog could not be displayed'
Closing all open VIs gives the same effect: a new blank VI named 'Untitled n' opens and I never get to the usual Labview selection screen.
What was strange: This happened with LV 8.5 a few days ago, but LV 2009 (installed on the same laptop) behaved normally... until today, when it showed the same bevavior. I am not aware of any changes I made... any idea how to get back to the normal behavior?
04-10-2010 01:19 PM
The New dialog is located under Labview x.x\recource\plugins\lv_new.vi
Check that folder...