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Number of plot areas (Y-Axis) in a mixed signal graph

I'm trying to make a front end to my mixed signal graphs, so that the input signals (coming through an array of waveforms) are automatically grouped together and the y-axis they are assigned to "Unit Label" is set to the "Units" string of the units attribute in the waveform.


My current hang up on this, is I can't figure out how to pragmatically figure out how many plot areas (Y-Axis) are in a mixed signal graph indicator.  I can hard-wire this (since I have to pre-define how many plot areas prior to execution)...but I would like to make a subVI that does this automatically on future projects.


I've searched through the property node and am not finding it.


Thanks for your input.


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Message 1 of 2
Not the solution I was exactly hoping for.  If I loop through possible input values and write them to "Active Y-Axis" Property (0,1,2,..etc) , the property node generates an error once I've exceeded the number of Y-Axis.
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