09-14-2015 01:57 PM - edited 09-14-2015 01:59 PM
Dear all,
I am working on an OPC project and my main question is whether i should use data sockets or the DSC functionality. I have some pros & cons for each and I'd like to know what your experience is / was. what do you think?
My OPC server provides about 60 independant variables (w/r, bools, ints & reals), and it is not about speed (update time ~100 ms).
for me,
pro Datasocket:
- works easy & straight forward
- adds 4 Attributes, for 3 i dont know what to do with them
- i can imagine in my mind how the big labview program looks with it
con Data Socket:
- does not throw an error on connection breakdown (i unplug the ethernet cable). however, the quality attribute could be used for this
- i might miss additional DSC functionality, but i am not yet aware of it
pro DSC:
- available
- throws proper errors
con DSC:
-seems difficult to google examples and other help
-I actually dont know what it can and why it might be beneficial over Data Soccket, despite what i read in general articles about it (ni.com...)
-seems to me like a big effort to learn & implement
- i had unknown errors in the previous project version with the shared variables involved
- problems with empty / full buffers, depending on loop wait time (errors 180121602, -195067898, -1950678982
all in all i currently prefer the Data socket thing, mainly because i feel like in control of it when programming.
Do you have suggestions? Any Ideas on how to improve in terms of buffer issues?
Thank you very much!
10-06-2015 04:50 AM