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Octave analysis graph not SVT --- Educational


For educational purposes, I want to obtain an Octave plot of an acquired signal. Data will be acquired by an USB6008 card, so acquisition sampling rate will be around 10kHz. I want to create an octave plot out of FFT info, but do not know how to take the FFT ouput data and split it into bands, operate with each particular frequencies' (sum up their values to obtain each bands value) and then rearrange them for ploting.


I mean, my doubts are not about the calculation steps, that I know, my problem is the 'how to' in labview. Any help, even a demo .vi will be strongly appreciated.

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Octave analysis is done on a signal by passing the signal through the bank of band pass filters over the successive octaves.  Octave filters can be designed using the signal processing vi's in LabVIEW (This might be a challenging task) but take a look into Link which gives good idea about Sound and Vibration toolkit (SVT).  This toolkit has vi's to perform octave analysis on the acquired signal directly.


Post back if any queries.


With regards,
(Certified LabVIEW Developer)
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