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On what Palette are the Network Stream Endpoints?

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I'm adopting/adapting the LabVIEW 2012 Real Time Sample Project to my needs, and need to create some additional Network Stream Endpoints.  I can't find these on the Front Panel palettes, nor by searching Quick Drop.  I can, of course, copy one from the Sample code, or drop down a Network Stream function on the Block Diagram and create a control from the appropriate Stream terminal, but shouldn't this be located somewhere, say on the Refnum palette?  It is also "conspicuous by its absense" from the Help topic "Types of Refnum Controls", which mentions other Refnums not on the Refnum palette, but not Network Streams.


Suggestion to NI -- at the risk of making the Refnum Palette enormous (alleviated by having, say, an "Advanced" sub-palette), put all of the NI Refnum classes on the Refnum Palette, please.



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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Bob_Schor

Duh -- they aren't Refnums, they are I/O Controls, so they belong on (but are not on) the I/O Palette.  The original point, that all Refnums belong somewhere on the Refnum Palette can now be extended to say that all I/O Controls/Indicators belong on the I/O Palette.



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Message 2 of 4

Hi Bob,


Our developers would like to hear your feedback, please go to and post it under the LabVIEW idea exchange. Perhaps give a little more clarification to why you think this should be the case and it might be added to the next version of LabVIEW.

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

Been there, already did that.  Not sure how to paste the link here, but this might work: .


Thanks for taking an interest in this.



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Message 4 of 4