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Only getting one significant figure on my excel file

I'm trying to create a program that exports the data from two pressure transducers and a thermocouple into a labeled excel file with headers and it currently does this but it doesnt export the decimal points of pressure or temperature. how do i change this?


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Excel File

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Message 1 of 3

This node right here:


That is "Number to Decimal string", but it actually does not use decimal points at all.  Use "Number to fractional string" instead.  That defaults to 6 digits of precision and has an input to change that number.


Message 2 of 3

Hi Ford,


@FordClark wrote:

how do i change this?

While Kyle gave you the answer I might suggest improvements:

  • Learn about coercion dots and their meaning. There are several dots in your image…
  • Learn proper array handling in LabVIEW. When you want to build an array then you should use BuildArray (but not InsertIntoArray)…
  • Try to reduce the usage of DDT wires (and ExpressVIs): they hide the underlying datatype from you…
  • You can implement scaling directly in DAQmx by applying scales to each channel…


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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