01-24-2020 12:34 AM
Hi All,
For the UDS client creation using LabVIEW, there are dll's available, but is there a way to define the functions for the called dll? I have attached the link where the dll's are available. Please do help me on this topic. https://www.peak-system.com/PCAN-UDS-API.370.0.html?&L=1
01-24-2020 01:38 AM - edited 01-24-2020 01:40 AM
Your terminology is a bit strange and ambigious. A DLL can be an old style function DLL, an ActiveX component DLL or a .Net assembly DLL. LabVIEW has distinct interfaces for each of them, Call Library Nodes, ActiveX and .Net nodes.
The definition of the functions in a function DLL are provided in a header file and the Import Library Wizard in LabVIEW can create a VI library from the header file that can serve as a starting point for you but despite its name it has no magic capabilities. While the C header file defines the datatypes, it says absolutely nothing about memory management of array and string parameters and that info is typically contained in the documentation if you are lucky, or in example code that you have to analyze yourself. You need more than basic C knowledge to review and correct each created function to make sure the Import Library wizard created VIs are not somehow corrupting memory and cause besides crashes also much more subtle and difficult to debug problems.
For ActiveX and .Net interfaces you have to create the VIs manually but the definition of the interface is usually embedded in the DLL itself as so called type library. Both ActiveX and especially .Net have however a well defined memory management contract that the respective LabVIEW interface is aware of so your work is to understand the object architecture of the interface and call the different methods and properties in a meaningful way and the right order.
04-05-2021 01:10 AM
Peak CAN UDS drivers are available for LabVIEW?