05-24-2010 09:23 AM
06-07-2010 03:07 PM
Follows a link for your query: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/A15DFD6915FED85386256E680061D55D?OpenDocument
06-07-2010 03:15 PM
But it is not continuously red.. It is blinking red.. Thanks for your help. Anyone?
06-07-2010 05:11 PM
FilipeTaveiros wrote:
But it is not continuously red.. It is blinking red.. Thanks for your help. Anyone?
This is copied right out of the manual:
The chassis power switch has an integrated LED. This LED indicates one
of three different conditions:
• If the power switch LED is steady green (not flashing), the chassis is
powered on and operating normally.
• If the power switch LED is flashing green, the air-intake temperature
has exceeded the chassis operating range.
• If the power switch LED is flashing red, the power supply outputs are
not within voltage regulation requirements.
You either have a power supply problem, or you are loading it down with too many modules. Try running it empty and see what the light does.