05-30-2016 02:42 AM
Yes I have the last version of NI VISA. But I have still the same problem as you said 2 days ago maybe the parameters are not good, but I don't know how to set them. If someone knows it can be really helpful.
05-30-2016 02:59 AM - edited 05-30-2016 03:07 AM
Thanks for you answer _Bryan,
But I was trying with that configuration, so I am still stuck.
Edit: The reason is "Timeout error" The delay has expirated before the end of the operation... Looking for it in the forum and I'll come back to you
05-30-2016 04:41 AM
Sorry for the 3rd post(looking like spam...)
I have increased the Timeout value, then the problem is solved. It made another error: Visa(Hex 0xBFFF003E) Could not perform operation of I/O error.
Well am I doing wrong with the example? An error making an other one in an example...
05-30-2016 08:39 AM
The COM port parameters are changed in your Devices and Printers configuration, assuming Windows 7 it is right at your start menu, Devices and printers, since you say it's USB that means a USB to RS232 converter, so it should be listed as something something adapter (COMx) where x is a number asigned to it by Windows. You right click it and go to properties, where you can change stuff like baud rate, parity, stop bits and the such, the documentation is certain to mention what are the right parameters.
05-30-2016 09:15 AM
Yes, I have already choose the good COM port, COM3. And I have seen in the documentation that the right parameters are the same as I used for executions.
All is ok but the example don't works. Just a question but if I want to create my VI now, and I use the "under-VI" (don't know how it's called in english tho) Initialize am I right? I just put it in my VI at start and make connections?
How can I do if the "under-VI" don't work? Because that's probably the reason why I can't run the example, I was stuck in "Initialize.VI" and I need to use this or I can't do the Serial Configuration, I don't know if I am clear or not...
05-30-2016 09:32 AM
When you have made changes it is useful if you attach your new code or a snippet, so we can see what's new and what could possibly be causing the error. It is rather hard to guess on code we can't see.
05-30-2016 10:08 AM
Ok, I send you my VI, with only 1 Channel, stuck in INITIALIZE.VI, it is just a start so say me please if I am doing totaly wrong it will be helpful to me.
- If you can check the example that GWInstek give for GPD-2303 in http://www.gwinstek.com/en-global/products/DC_Power_Supply/Programmable_Multiple_Channel_DC_Power_Su...
- In the example and in my VI I can't go after Initialize, because I got an error about I/O... It was good resource name for my PC (COM3) and the Serial Configuration for GWInstek GPD2303 model(• Baud rate: 9600/57600 /115200 • Parity bit: None • Data bit: 8 • Stop bit: 1 • Data flow control: None)
Hope you will understand what is the problem.
Best regards,
05-31-2016 03:41 AM
I tried with only Initialize, Configure Voltage and Read Output to see if it work. Get the same Timeout error...
05-31-2016 04:15 AM
Ok, it was a cable problem. Now I can do it alone I think thank you very much for your help
05-31-2016 10:16 AM
@Robinm76 wrote:Ok, it was a cable problem. Now I can do it alone I think thank you very much for your help
That is why I like to try the manufacturers executable program before doing anything in LabVIEW, it can save troubleshooting time.