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Plotting vakues in realtime

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I will receive a set of (X/Y) array values in real time(100 elements per each set) continuosly. I want to plot that in X/Y graph when I receive each 100 elements (this 100 elements will be received as a set), but when I plot the new set I want to retain the old set of information in the graph. So every time when I receive a set of values one plot is increasing in same graph (consider that I'm not receiving all the set simultaneously, I will receive it one by one)



Could you please anybody help me to develop a subvi



Best Regards,




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Message 1 of 8
Use shift registers and a Build Array for the x and y data or use (ugh), the Express XY Graph. It retains old data if you don't set the reset to be true.
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Message 2 of 8

Yap. But is it possible to give  a sample VI?



Thank you,


Best Regards,


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Message 3 of 8
Why don't you try to write something yourself first? Shift registers are basic LabVIEW knowledge. The Express XY Graph doesn't even require any coding.
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Message 4 of 8
Accepted by topic author Pahee

Dennis Knutson wrote:
Shift registers are basic LabVIEW knowledge.

And Express VI's are carnal LabVIEW knowledge.




XY Express.gif


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Message 5 of 8

This is a duplicate post.


To Poster: Your question is answered by looking at the examples that ship with LabVIEW. Search the examples for "XY Chart".

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Message 6 of 8

Thank you very much Broken Arrow


That's what I expected






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Message 7 of 8

rathan wrote:

Thank you very much Broken Arrow

Dennis answered your question, I just made a screen shot and a sarcastic note about Express VI's. You'll never grow as a LV programmer if you use Express VI's where there exists a more direct and efficient programming method (which is about always). But I'm glad that your issue was resolved.

Message Edited by Broken Arrow on 10-12-2009 07:59 AM

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Message 8 of 8