04-20-2023 01:50 AM
I have a doubt on how the Port offset/Port extension de-emebdding measurement is performed in vector network analyzer usually.
Thanks in advance all for your guidance.
04-26-2023 05:36 AM
Hi sam_manick_99,
Generally, de-embedding requires the knowledge of the S-parameters of whatever structure is between the reference
plane and the DUT. For example, suppose you are testing a DUT in a test fixture. In this case, one of the most
difficult tasks is to create an accurate model of the test fixture. In many cases, the S-parameters for the test fixture
are provided by the manufacturer. In other instances, it is important to first extract the S-parameters using simulation
tools in order to be able to de-embed the fixture. Today, most commercially available VNAs support simple
corrections of fixture effects by means of port extensions.
For mor information follow this link.
Best way to thank is to give Kudos / Mark as a solution.
04-26-2023 07:00 AM
Hi l.hovs,
Thanks for your response. But while going through the link you attached, I can able to understand the two port cal and its working.
But the main concern is how the port extension is proceeded practically (May be like a testing procedure) for a test fixture with Vector network analyzer
04-26-2023 08:43 AM
I am not sure I understand your question well, so could you please describe it in detail, what specifically you need?
There is 2 option that I think it would be and I can help with that, one is documentation how the process is going and the second one LabVIEW example which will help to understand how it's practically working in general. There are some VNA examples in LabVIEW which you can use.
If you need those go to the Example finder from LabVIEW's Help menu and search VNA.
04-26-2023 09:06 AM
Hi I.hovs,
Thanks for the response,
Need a document for complete understanding of Port extension(Port offset embedding) using vector network analyzer which is greatly helpful in practical hands-on.
Curious in asking this,
Is there any implementation (1x thru and 1x short) necessary to do the above measurements
05-04-2023 07:11 AM
Hi sam_manick_99,
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any documentation about this topic provided by NI, but there are other sources I have attached below, which you can use for that aim.
Best way to thank is to give Kudos / Mark as a solution.