11-30-2011 12:25 AM
Recently, I have finished a project with accelerometer to detect the noise when the motor stroke hit some part or near by mechanical part. I wonder about using position sensor to my project in order to detect the stroke or mechanical part position when it hit by stroke. I don't know that I can go along with position sensor to detect the noise or any support for accelerometer. Can any one experienced this kind of situation. Any ideas will be appreciated.
09-14-2012 01:40 AM
Recently I started a project about measure position with accelerometer, but Im with a little bit trouble. I applying the first integration and find the velocity, when the value from velocity become a negative value I force it to zero, up to this point thats all right, but the second integration occure a trouble that I am not fix, I applying the second integration, but each new sample it change the value, of course this non will be a trouble whether the change the value change to a positive value, as Im measure position Id like that value for example [X] follow the rule:
X always increase or hold the same value, never decrease. I increase my distance each new step, like i am not return my actual distance will be always >= the preview distance
09-14-2012 02:49 AM
velocity has positive and negative direction. Since you are forcing your negative velocity (direction) to zero, the integration to displacement assumes you always are traveling in the same direction. In other words, you never go back.
Let you velocity measurements and integration have both positive and negative results, your displacement will return to 0
Hope this helps.
09-14-2012 03:38 AM
Another point to consider...
I'm not sure how accurate your system needs to be but using an accelerometer to derive position may not yield the results you're expecting due to misalignments and errors in the sensor signal. Also the error due to integration and double integration would have a significant influence.