01-25-2011 09:32 AM
Has anyone out there had success printing a LabVIEW front panel (via the APP_PRINT_WINDOW application menu item) to the NovaPDF Lite Server printer driver (http://www.novapdf.com/)? Every time I try, LabVIEW 8.6.1f1 locks up and must be killed. If I install NovaPDF Lite (non-server version) locally, printing works as expected.
I'm using LabVIEW 8.6.1 and NovaPDF Lite Server 5.5 build 277.
Mark Moss
Electrical Validation Engr.
01-25-2011 09:55 AM
Maybe or maybe not: Running LabVIEW VIs or Executables That Use .NET Assemblies From a Network Drive .