01-14-2015 02:17 AM
I'm having a problem regarding normalized frequency.
The Sine wave .vi, says that the input to the frequency must be a normalized frequency. What I did is tha I divide my frequency to the number of samples.
However, when I attached Tone Measurements to output signal of the sine wave, I'm not having a frequency of what i set.
In my example my input frequency is 60 Hz however what was detected by the tone measurement was the normalized frequency which is 0.06.
How do I modify this VI, in order that i will have a frequency in 60 hZ,
01-14-2015 06:31 AM
Anyone please help?
01-14-2015 07:29 AM
The problem with trying to calculate a frequency is that you need a time element. You don't have a time element. So I'm thinking 1 sample/second is used.
Try using the Sine Wave.vi (it is in the Signal Processing->Waveform Generation palette). With that function, you need to supply the sample rate and the actual frequecy that you want.
01-16-2015 02:16 AM
You have any other ideas regrading this matter?
01-16-2015 06:51 AM
What was wrong with using the waveform generating function I suggested?
01-16-2015 08:11 AM