02-18-2011 03:36 AM
I'm a new Labview user and I try to plot two parameters in a XY graph. and my XY graph not showing any graph.
Please can you tell me why. This is my VI
02-18-2011 04:09 AM
To produce an xy graph with a time element - see the attached picture
You may also require a timer within the loop to prevent the vi taking excessive computing power.
02-18-2011 04:45 AM
thanks by I not use a Time element
02-22-2011 10:23 AM
Hi FrancoM,
In fact you can see one point in X and Y, because you chose the VI read Analogique 1D wfm Nvoies 1Echant. So this VI will return a waveform with a array of 1 élement for X and Y.
If you want to plot more point you need to use the VI read Analogique 1D wfm Nvoies NEchant.
Rémi D.
National Instruments France