09-05-2011 01:46 AM
No, the workaround doesn't work for me.
I have a predefined report template and want to add the table at a bookmark.
Replacing the "Word set CB.vi" had no effect, and inserting data in a table field by field is not possible with bookmarks, or?
09-05-2011 06:43 AM
Now, i have a workaround which works.
I create an empty table at the given bookmark with the correct amount of rows and columns. After that I fill it using the workaround shown in a previous post.
10-04-2011 06:55 AM
10-05-2011 02:30 PM - edited 10-05-2011 02:31 PM
I am sorry that this is still causing you problems. As mentioned before, it has been reported to R&D as Corrective Action Request (CAR) #257414. I do not have information on when this will be fixed, but the release notes for new versions of the toolkit will contain the CAR # when it has been resolved.
To the best of my knowledge, this was a change that Microsoft implemented in their Office product, which reduced some of the functionality of LabVIEW's toolkit. As to why this issue is not listed in the known issues list, I am not sure, but I will look into it.
10-10-2011 11:11 AM
I have spoken with R&D, and this CAR will be added to the Known Issue list moving forward.
Thanks for pointing this out!
10-11-2011 01:23 AM
Thanks for the status update.
09-04-2012 03:08 PM
BastiFantasti hello.
please, I've had the same problem as you this time, help me with this.
what you mean with what you showed in the previous post?
"Now, i have a workaround Which works.
I create an empty table at The Given Bookmark with the correct amount of rows and columns. After That I fill it using the workaround Shown in a previous post.
Bastian "
Thanks ..!
10-18-2012 03:31 AM
Hi all
I stumbled into this problem a couple of days ago. After some experiments I found that the problem is that Word 2010 treats cell separators while pasting table contents in a different way than before. The report generation toolkit uses line feed (LF, \n) to separate both columns and rows, filling one cell at a time, from left to right, and then continuing with the next row. However, Word 2010 expects tab (\t) to separate each column and then a LF to continue on the next row, and then fills the selected table area with this sequence.
I have not found out how to insert a new line or a tab within a cell.
Try this by opening a Notepad a create a table with different separators and copy it, create a Word document with a table, select an area of the table and paste. The result may look like the picture below.
I've attached two toolkit VIs modified with the updated separators.
Best regards
Using LabVIEW 2011.
03-14-2013 12:59 PM
Thank you very much, this fixed our issue.
03-25-2013 10:53 AM
I am also having similar problem with appending table to excel. I am using "Append table to report VI" like this:
The problem is that it does not append all rows that are actualy in my array but just only few of them. Here is the actual table which I want to append:
And this is what i get in excel worksheet:
You can see that only two of ten rows are in report.
while I was searching for resolution of my issue, i found this:
where says that I could either:
BUT after i have done that it wasn't any better - even worse.
it looked like that:
there was still only two values in the table but they were shifted right.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you.