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Problem with event structure

 Hi, I have been trying to solve my code. it has event structures and do not know how to work around. Actually, I have two buttons, the first button start an event when value change, and the second one stops a while loop inside the event when also its value changed. But the problem is, once the first buton is pressed, i cannot press the second button.


Please find the attached code.

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SOme points:


First the source of you problem is taht the 'Start Event' is configured to lock the FP unitl the event is finished, however since you stall the event with a while loop inside you will never 'finish' the event. To overcome this uncheck the setting 'Lock FP' in the event dialog.


Second it is a bad idea to have a while loop inside an event case, try to get the 'End loop' as an event as well.

And let this event finish the main while loop.




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Hi Thabos,


you should deal each control event separately.


Please try the vi in attachment and check whether it works.


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also you should look into the example finer and tutorials to help you learn good programming practices such as how to use a event structure.


have a good day.

Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
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