@alii001 wrote:
I live in a country that you may know,not like in the US. and I myself have to pay much more attention on protecting my codes and idea……
As said there might be reasons to do something like that. But from what I have seen so far, in most cases people simply either overestimate the danger of that or just as likely overestimate their ability to dwart such attempts. I'm not so concerned about the occasional script kiddie who may want to see if he can hack it just for the sake of hacking, but once real money is involved the odds for having even your super secret state of the art protection hacked is simply directly proportional to the amount of money that is involved. And in many cases the effort to protect something is eating up any possible profit you could make so it's a catch 22.
Basically: Don't protect it and it gets stolen if it is worth the effort, protect it and it is stolen too if it is valuable in any way. That's a race you can never win. You can at best postbone the moment a little when you loose. Another approach is to keep inventing new stuff. By the time your adversory has stolen your idea you already have a better one on the market. Might sound exhausting but its chance for success is at least as high.