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Problems with camera calibration

I am trying to create a project that realises stereo vision with two cameras using the VIs provided by LabVIEW. During development I ran into problems with the calibration of my camera(s).
My questions are:
I would like to calibrate the camera-images with the IMAQ Learn Camera Model VI. For this purpose I have to show the camera a calibrational image (containing a group of points) in different angles. However even after multiple shots the value of the Insufficient Data part of the Internal Parameters output remains TRUE. I also experienced the same thing while running the Stereo Vision I held the calibrational image according to the directions in both cases. I would like to know what does this VI need for finishing succesful computations? Is the implementation of other VIs is necessary (apart from IMAQ  Calibration Target To Points - Circular Dots VI)?
Another question: If I give a TRUE value to the Add Points And Learn input, will the VI use every previously given data for computation or it will use only the currently received values until I change it back to FALSE to start accumulating data after that?
I generated the data to the Reference Points input with the IMAQ Calibration Target To Points - Circular Dots VI. Are there other VIs with which I should use the Learn Camera Model VI?
Apart from the things listed above a general description of this VI (and the other calibrational VIs) would be very useful and maybe a simple example program that illustrates the function and work of the Learn Camera Model VI.


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Message 1 of 4

Hello! nagy.peter.2060


In the Stereo Vision, for the first acquisition, all calibration grid need be visible to both cameras, in the next acquisiton, I suggest put the grid in four corners, so every place is covered by the pictures. If your position is good, five shot will calibrate the cameras very well.
The second question, the VI use every previously given data for computation until you give a TRUE value to the Add Points And Learn input. I suggest you to check out the detail help about IMAQ Learn Camera Model VI.
Learn Camera Model VI is enough to get internal parameters.

The attachment is calibration of Stereo Vision

Hope to exchange experience with you!


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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your advices. I tried to calibrate the camera as you suggested, but it still doesn't work. 😞

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Message 3 of 4

Hello! nagy.peter.2060

Could you post your code and your calibrate result picture?

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Message 4 of 4