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Programmatically access pinout on DAQmx channel

Hi there,

is there a way to access the device pinout number programmatically in labview?

Lets say I set up a DAQmx task with a certain channel on a DAQ device, is there a way to inform the user of which terminal pin he or she needs to physically connect too?

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You could just use an Array constant which you create yourself.  Then just lookup the associate Pin Information from that array.
LabVIEW 2012
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Message 2 of 3

I've build a set of tools that will let you call the NI DAQmx Assistants that MAX uses.  You can feed your channel into the edit channel VI and it will give you acces to the same pinout diagram that MAX shows you.


Programmatically Call NI DAQmx Assistants


The one downside to this is that users will also be able to edit the channel while there, so you might want to make sure that you check the channels before and after to make sure that no changes have been made.

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