06-27-2011 02:40 PM
I have a filepath of a CAN database and would like to programmatically generate an associate frame list to go into an XNET Create Session VI. How can I do this? I've looked through all the open database tools and haven't found any sort of way from going from that filepath to opening it to creating a frame list. Even just getting the CAN database open would be a step in the right direction. I appreciate all the help.
06-27-2011 03:49 PM
Have you looked through the XNET-Help for Database Programming? I think that page gives step by step instructions for loading your database file and working with it.
I end up generating my databases on the fly from non-standard config files so I don't actually have experience with .dbc files.
What sort of error messages are you getting when trying to open your database?
06-28-2011 07:35 AM
If you're referring to the NI-XNET Hardware and Software Mandual.pdf, I have looked through it and I couldn't get out of it what I am looking for. The way they tell me how to do it is to right click on the frame or signal list control/constant and click on browse for database file...
I have a program where users can upload CAN databases to the directory and then I want them to be able to choose from any of those databases in the directory at run-time to perform any given test. Therefore, I have a path to the databases (i.e., C:\LabVIEW\yada_yada\...\database.dbc) and want to open them as a frame I/O into an XNET Create Session VI. I can't find anything to "open" that datbase as a frame I/O. Every node, vi, or anything I've tried is looking for has a sink that is not looking for a path to open the database.
I'm going to keep looking through that manual and doing searches, but if anyone has any ideas I'd really appreciate them. This is kind of critical to what I want to do so if it's not possible; I need to think of another way.
06-28-2011 07:55 AM
Just as I finished typing that, I found a nifty little String to I/O converter that allows the use of a DB Filepath as an input. It was under XNET>>Advanced. Here is a little snippet of what I put together quickly to help anyone else that might be trying to figure this out.