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Programming Modbus Driver LabVIEW



I am trying to communicate with an Omega Platinum Series Meter through micro-USB. I have downloaded the device drivers and it uses Modbus as protocol. The pallete, which I attached a screenshot of, has many options and I am not sure what to choose and how to go about programming it. I've attached a start of a VI and the manual for my device. 


Thanks for the help!

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Message 1 of 6

Did you get the driver from here?


It comes with an example. Open the project Platinum Modbus.lvproj and see Platinum_MB_Example Serial to get going.

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Message 2 of 6

After downloading the drivers, start with PLatinum_MB_Example Serial




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Message 3 of 6

cordm, LVninja,


Thanks for the reply. I ran the example file from the driver and am getting a timeout error 6101, regardless of what I set the timeout length to. 


I understand that this is a communication issue with the serial port. What can I do to fix this?

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Message 4 of 6

If you get a timeout error I suspect that some configuration is off. Did you do this?



Make sure that what you configure in the program matches the device configuration. Refer to pages 13 & 14 of the Panel user manual.

Message 5 of 6

Thanks! I was able to alleviate the timeout error. The issue now is that when I try to read the value from my device, I get 0. I have the device reading a pressure of about 15 psi. 

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