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Quick-Drop "How to"

I feel almost silly for asking (as I've been using Quick Drop for more than a decade), but I can't find (or remember) the Quick drop for "Add Structure (such as a Case or While) "on top of" parallel wires and have the wires "pass through" the StructurQuickDrop Wire-Through Query.png


e, either as Shift Registers or Tunnels.  Here a picture of what I hope exists.  Note -- I know I could create a Cluster and do a Bundle/Unbundle with InPlace Element, but still I'm bugged that I can't find where/if this exists.


Bob Schor


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Personally, I am mostly a "Slow dropper", but you might want to ask your question here instead.

(Not sure if it can be moved.).


In this case, wouldn't a single shift register with an array of six elements be more manageable anyway?

Message 2 of 6

@altenbach wrote:

In this case, wouldn't a single shift register with an array of six elements be more manageable anyway?

Absolutely.  As it happened, as I started building the VI, I realized I needed several changes that got rid of most of the inputs,  I think I might have a working algorithm -- going to run it against a "manufactured" data set.  Plus I'll follow up with your other suggestion -- thanks.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

I'd do a QD, ctrl+i of an increment on all the wires. Then place the case (it will 'include' the wires). Then QD, ctrl+r to remove the increments.



Message 4 of 6

Aha!  @wiebe@CARYA came up with a much quicker way of doing the wiring than what I was doing (physically connecting wires "through" the Case) (I'm embarrassed that I didn't think of this myself), but it suggests that maybe the Quick Drop "Add Structure Around Existing Code" might not exist ...


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Others want this too:

Option to connect wires through a dropped structure on the diagram - NI Community


(ArrSee had the same solution)


Pretty sure this falls in the "how hard can it be? Oops, wasted a week" category though.

Message 6 of 6