04-28-2016 10:08 AM
to calculate the RMS value of periodic signals there is the VI "NI_MAPro.lvlib:Averaged DC-RMS.vi" available. Is there also a vi to calculate the RMS for non periodic signals?
Thanks a lot and best regards,
04-28-2016 10:12 AM
Can you provide a file with an example of your file?
04-28-2016 10:28 AM
You will find the VI "NI_MAPro.lvlib:Averaged DC-RMS.vi" by right clicking in the block diagramm "Signalverlauf -> Analoger Signalverlauf -> Signalverlaufsmessungen -> Mittelwert und RMS".
But I think my statement above is wrong. Inside the "NI_MAPro.lvlib:Averaged DC-RMS.vi" for RMS values the VI "RMS.vi" is used. The helpfile tells, the following formula:
Because it uses sampled data it calculates an approximation of RMS which should work for periodic and non periodic signals. Am I rigth?
Best regards,
04-28-2016 10:44 AM
Hi Michael,
RMS = root mean square - and that's what is calculated according to the formula in your last post.
What's the difference for periodic and non-periodic signals? There is none: you just calculate the RMS of the samples in your array/waveform…