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Radio Data Protocol

I'm looking for a  communication protocol using LabView that let me receive and transmit  radio data  in 475MH  frequency   along a range of 2000Km .
I heard about protocol X25  used in cubesats projects but i couldn't find a LabView resource for it.

thank you.
Daniel Vahdat, STMC.
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Message 1 of 3

Hi Daniel,

I am not entirely familiar with the X-25 protocol. There is an add-on module to LabVIEW called the Modulation Toolkit and this is what is generally used to modulate and demodulate data, For more information about the Modulation Toolkit, click here. If you can give some more information about the x25 protocol and your application we might be able to figure something out. Please do take a look at the modulation toolkit, it does include many of the popular modulation schemes such as AM,FM,ASK,QPSK,QAM etc.


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Message 2 of 3
X.25 (I think its the same thing as X-25) has been around since about the mid 1970's. I first came accross it on large networks and then in amateur radio where a modified version was used for data transmission over noisy radio links. I suspect that this is what the question refers to. As he seems to be doing something very similar.

Check out the following link for a much more detailed description. (I am sure there are many more out there).
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Message 3 of 3