05-27-2019 07:20 PM
I've been trying to find an H.264 codec for x64 labview for weeks now! HOW DID YOU GET h264?!
05-28-2019 07:18 AM
About 2-3 months ago, this was asked and (I think) answered here in the LabVIEW Forums. Search the Forums ...
Bob Schor
06-06-2019 09:59 AM
I think my issue is that I'm using windows 10. The x264vfw driver that has been mentioned in other posts does not work in Win10 from what I can tell (32-bit does, but 64-bit does not). The x265vfw is recognized by labview, however the codec just spits errors when labview tries to utilize it then labview spits an error saying it can't create the video.