03-15-2019 03:38 PM
I am trying to split three analog voltage channels from DAQ assistant to three simple numeric readouts. When I use the split signal sub VI, I do get three different voltages. However, as one voltage changes, the others also change by some value. The three voltages are completely independent at the DAQ hardware input. Is there some sort of scaling somewhere I don't see?
03-18-2019 02:52 PM
Hey phillipcurtismith,
Are you seeing this behavior if you configure three separate tasks using the DAQmx api or NI MAX?
Also, the thread you are commenting on is pretty old and your questions is kinda tangential. I would recommend making a new thread on the LabVIEW Page. This will help you get more potential exposure from more active users of the community.
03-19-2019 07:20 AM
It's either Hardware (which you haven't described, and we don't know), Software (you have not provided your VIs, so other than knowing you are using the Dreaded DAQ Assistant and its Evil Twin, the Dynamic Data Wire, we don't know what you are doing), or Something Else. Where should we start guessing? [I'm guessing it's Software -- I'm also guessing that there is not "some sort of scaling somewhere" ...].
Bob Schor