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Read Dataset from SCL file for GOOSE subscriber

How to read the dataset for the goose subscriber from the SCL file ? I want to display a list of points to be selected for the goose subscriber from the scl file.

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Message 1 of 3

You need to provide some more details and explain some of the terms you are using.


What is an SCL file.

What is a "goose" subscriber?

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Message 2 of 3

GOOSE subscriber and publisher is a part of  (IEC 61850) communication protocol. Its a communication protocol used in the Electrical substation automation. In the Labview it is available under industrial communication. SCL file is a file which describes the configuration for the communication and the data objects on which the communication between inteligent devices (IED) will take place. Dataset is collection of selected dataobjects, so using the dataset we can communicate group values of the data objects. When somebody configures IED using the configuration software SCL file gets created giving the information in a particular format. So when somebody else reads the SCL file he gets to know which data objects and datasets are available in this IED so in his own device he will choose which data objects/datasets he will communicate. So i have the SCL file of other IED and I want to create an application which extracts the datasets from SCL file using Labview SCL related blocks and display the available datasets in the form of tree for the user to select.

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