11-18-2016 03:59 PM
The assignment is:
Plot the entire ECG signal and one period of the ECG signal. Point out two distortions which are observed in this signal and motivate why have they occurred.
-all i hade is a text file with 1 column and 4000 rows. What do i do? Is it possible to read from spreadsheet?
please help med, this is the first time working with labview
11-18-2016 04:09 PM
It's very possible, and will look very easy after some "basic training".
On modern versions of LabVIEW you can press ctrl+space to bring up the quickdrop. Try typing in "read spreadsheet" and "index array" on the block diagram (white side). Try typing in "waveform graph" on front panel (grey side). That should get you started 🙂
11-18-2016 04:11 PM
Well i hope this isnt a homework problem, but to get you started i would go to the examples built into labview. Under Help/ find examples. From there you can look into how to read from a text file. Fundamentals/file input and output/ text. That will help with reading your text file. peak through the other examples for more help.
Good luck