I have a vacuum measurement unit. Type : tpg 256a. I have an 'Serial test.vi' that i use for communication with the instrument.
Case 1
I can successfully adjust contrast of instrument display by the following code:
Format: DCC [,xx] <CR>[<LF>]
Actual code to transmit: DCC ,10
Receive: 6<CR>[<LF>]
Getting number 6 on serial port is a posivive response
Case 2
I want to read pressure on channel 1.
Format: PRx <CR>[<LF>]
Actual code to transmit: PR1
Transmit: <ENQ>
Receive: nothing**
**I get nothing from instrument in case2. Datasheet says I should get 'x,x.xxxEsx <CR><LF>' as a response
Any ides plase why i do not get the appropriate reply from instrument?
Kind regards,