06-14-2017 06:09 PM
Hey guys,
I have a simple VI where I write random variables to a HTML chart and display them through a web browser. But I want to create a very simple button (Like a boolean) on the HTML page and when I click it I want LabVIEW to read that data and turn on an LED on the LabVIEW main vi.
I have researched to no avail - I was wondering if I could get a hand? Here is my current set up. This was mostly followed through with a Bloomy tutorial.
Any help would be amazing - Thanks!
06-15-2017 10:11 AM
Hi Muri777,
Are you having trouble with creating the button, or reading the HTML data?
Reading the HTML can be accomplished in LabVIEW, but creating a button to run a VI sounds more like a PHP or JavaScript question.
Alternatively, you could publish your front panel to a website, and handle the whole task in LabVIEW.
There may be other methods out there as well, but this is what I've found so far. Hope it helps!