04-13-2011 07:13 AM
Hello all,
I am relatively new to LabView and looking to extend a vi I am currently using.
I am trying to record voltage and temperature measurements from a Keithley 2182 nano voltmeter using a GPIB cable. I have a vi that can do this for either voltage or temperature not both. At the moment I only record what is shown on the display of the nano voltmeter.
Could somebody explain how I could get labview either to change between voltage and temperature on the nano voltmeter or whether it is possible to have two simultaneous measurements of temperature and voltage and how I would achieve this.
04-13-2011 07:23 AM - edited 04-13-2011 07:24 AM
For each read, no matter Temperature or Voltage there is a certain command that is send to the voltmeter.
I don't think (actually I'm pretty sure) you cannot read it in parallel but you can do it successively: One read Voltage, one read Temperature and so on.
There should be something like:
while not STOP do
1. send GPIB command for changing Keithley to Voltage Measurement
2. send GPIB command for Voltage Read
3. read GPIB -> Voltage
4. send GPIB command for changing Keithley to Temperature Measurement
5. send GPIB command for Temperature Read
6. read GPIB -> Temperature
You can take a look in VI to see which are the commands send for Voltage and Temperature reads and to mixed them like I described it above.
If you don't manage it share your VIs (for temp and volt.) maybe it will be easier for me (or something else) to give you some additional advices.
04-13-2011 07:28 AM
Hi Paul,
This is what I would like to do however I don't know the command to change from voltage to temperature and vice versa.
The vi I am using at the moment is attached. Currently I determine whether I am taking temperature or voltage measurements by choosing the channel on the nanovoltmeter before I start up LabView.
04-13-2011 07:34 AM
All commands would be in the manual. Keithley also has a driver according to the Instrument Driver Network.
p.s. Don't use the GPIB functions. Use VISA.
04-13-2011 07:35 AM - edited 04-13-2011 07:36 AM
Take a look at page 16 of the document (16 is page 11 after the page counting from the doc. footer).
You have there an example how to read voltage and temeprature.