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Registro de datos en excel con fecha incorrecta

Hola a todos! 
Espero que se encuentren muy bien, estoy teniendo una dificultad a la hora de efectuar mi registro en una hoja de cálculo, adjunto imagen del diagrama de bloques y de la hoja de cálculo. Todas sus sugerencias son bienvenidas y muchas gracias!
Por cierto, la adquisición de datos funciona de maravilla, estoy utilizando un Arduino Mega.

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Message 1 of 3

Hi elefrargas,


@elefrargas wrote:

I am having a difficulty when registering in a spreadsheet, I am attaching an image of the block diagram and the spreadsheet. All your suggestions are welcome and thank you very much!

What exactly is your "difficulty"? (I don't see any spreadsheet in your message…)

Do you get any errors? If yes: which ones?


Why are there so many local variables?

Why do you need so many ExpressVIs?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3

Writing four scalars (!) to a file certainly should not need nine express VI (incl. toDDT), four built arrays, and five local variables.

Your file IO is also configured to create a new file with every call if the existing file already exists. Your code is extremely convoluted and properly written would probably fit on a postcard. Why are there all these long waits in parallel to dialogs? The code cannot continue until the dialog is OKd, so why wait 10 seconds in parallel?


How does your received string look like? Isn't there a termination character?


You have not explained what the problem is that you are trying to solve. Your file is a relative path by default (test.xlsx) but we have no idea what you are entering before the run. Don't you need a folder location?

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Message 3 of 3