01-27-2017 07:06 PM
I'm attempting to use the remote front panel feature to connect to a reentrant VI. When I use the web creation tool, it points to the VI that the reentrant clones are spawned from.
I'm considering something like having the clones edit the html file with their clone name.
Is there an easier way to accomplish this?
01-30-2017 12:18 PM
When different clients connect to the reentrant VI, new clones should spawn for each connection as stated here under "Multiple Clients Simultaneously Controlling Remote Front Panels":
Is the VI not behaving as reentrant? Could you try calling it from multiple clients to check?
01-30-2017 01:05 PM
The problem isn't that I can't get multiple clients to connect. The problem is that when any client connects it connects to the base VI that isn't actually running instead of the clone. So it's inactive.
VI is named: WebGUI.vi
HTML document connects to WebGUI.vi and that front panel loads in the browser.
The actual VI that is executing in memory is WebGUI.vi 23426 (clone)
So the result is, I get a dead front-panel because it's not acquiring the instance that is being executed.
01-31-2017 10:32 AM
Hello MPCC,
I found somethings you can try or check if you have configure it correctly.
1. Shared clone reentrant execution or Preallocated clone reentrant execution
2.Viewing the Front Panel of the Clone of a Reentrant VI
Let me know if it worked.