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Remote access web publishing tool LabVIEW8.2



I have a server with a LabVIEW 8.2 that runs a panel of a .vi with web publishing tool.


It's possible to see these server by viewing: (This webcam is in another PC)


To access the server remotely it's possible with a client that have a LabVIEW 8.2 or higher installed, but.....


The question is that:


What are the soft that the cliente need to access to my .vi remotely?and the server needs another soft?

With a client that have LabVIEW 7.1 what I need to install more? I just install a Run Time Engine 8.6 and don't work! 😞


Or the client needs only Run Time Engine 8.2 or higher? I just allready test and nothing...


The error that allways appear is that "incompatible versions..." something like that


Best Regards,

Manuel Silva




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Hi Manuel,

you need the runtime engine of the same LabVIEW version on your client. At least the Run Time Engine (Web Browser only). See this link.



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