01-03-2013 01:03 PM
My current issue was addressed in an old LAVA post: http://lavag.org/topic/5721-dlls-that-expect-labview-data-to-stay-put/ I'll quote the relevant part here, since it describes my issue exactly:
"I have a suite of compiled DLLs. One of them is essentially the "Load Data" function where you pass it arrays of values; the second is a "Compute" function, which uses the values you gave it earlier. However, the "Load Data" function isn't stashing away the data, but simply storing the array pointers for the "Compute" function. I need to arrange for LabVIEW to keep the data - untouched - and in the same place, between the calls to the "Load Data" and "Compute" DLLs."
One solution suggested in the LAVA thread was to use IMAQ Create&LockSpace.vi to create a fixed memory allocation for an image. This sounds perfect to me, both because the funtionality is what I need, and my data just to happens to be images. However, while IMAQ Create&LockSpace.vi is available in the current VDM, it is clearly marked as obsolete with a big red "X" over its icon. I haven't been able to find any current documentation relating to this VI. Has the functionality of this VI been reproduced in a currently supported VI?
I'm using LV2012 and VDM2012.
01-04-2013 10:51 AM
The notes recommend using IMAQ Create unless you need the exact functionality of the Create&LockSpace. I believe that it is obsolete because people did not properly dispose of the memory space when completed and it caused a "memory leak" (even though it was functioning how it was supposed to). If you need the functionality, make sure to follow the instructions in the Context Help that advise to use with the IMAQ Dispose.vi.