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I am the programming mentor for FRC 2867 and my LabView now says that I have 1 day left on BACKUP LICENSE?....should I be worried? Can anyone help me?





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Message 1 of 6

There is a community page for FRC teams.  You'll need to ask your questioni there. 

Message 2 of 6

Clicking that link adds a couple extra characters (the forums here do that sometimes).  Copy/paste the text into your browser and you'll be in the right place.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Did you download and install the latest software for this years competition? If not, please do so here:


You will need to download the NI Software for FRC 2016 first and then the FRC 2016 Update Suite. When prompted for serial numbers, use the serial number your team was given for products purchased (usually located on the packaging slip). 


If you have already downloaded this year's software from our website, go to the NI License Manager (from your Windows Start Menu) and expand all of your local licenses. Any squares that are not a solid green for software under LabVIEW 2015 (if they are yellow or red),  right click on the software and click Activate. Use your serial number in the Activation Wizard. 


Also, in the NI License Manager, you can view serial numbers for actiavted products as well as when they will expire. You can do this by clicking on the product and reading the fields on the right side of the window. 


Best of Luck!


Becca B.
Product Marketing
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 6

@natasftw wrote:

Clicking that link adds a couple extra characters (the forums here do that sometimes).  Copy/paste the text into your browser and you'll be in the right place.

Sorry about that.  I should've checked after I posted.  Sometimes the copy and paste method of putting in links causes hidden characters to come along for the ride.

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Message 5 of 6

THANKS went away after a reboot....just scary that it shows up when we are in the throws of finalizing code......thanks for watching the posts!

Message 6 of 6