08-01-2014 06:52 AM
I have a VI that call a subVIs(my.vi) in dir: C:\program files\app\my.vi
My PC is going to change from 32bit vista to 64bit Win8, then my subVI will be placed in C:\program files (x86)\app\my.vi
The VI's I make still have to run on 32bit XP testPC.
How will LabVIEW handle that when I run the VI on the XP PC. It has been made on a 64 bit where the link to the SubVI is C:\program files (x86)\app\my.vi , but on the XP it will be C:\program files (x86)\app\my.vi!
Is it recompiled and does it have to be saved when I close it on the XP-PC?
08-01-2014 07:07 AM
Are you running this VI in the LabVIEW environment or from an executable? If from LabVIEW, then why isn't it in the user.lib folder? If from executable, then you really should be building that VI into your executables.
08-01-2014 08:24 AM
As long as you use the 32-bit versoin of LabVIEW, you will be able to execute your code on a 32-bit machine.
08-01-2014 04:17 PM
Thank you both:)
But it was not the answer I was looking for. Maybe becaurse I wrote:
"How will LabVIEW handle that when I run the VI on the XP PC. It has been made on a 64 bit where the link to the SubVI is C:\program files (x86)\app\my.vi , but on the XP it will be C:\program files (x86)\app\my.vi!"
It should have been:
How will LabVIEW handle that when I run the VI on the XP PC. It has been made on a 64 bit where the link to the SubVI is C:\program files (x86)\app\my.vi , but on the XP it will be C:\program files\app\my.vi!"
I will try to explain a little bit more.
I have a testsequenser installed at : C:\program files (x86)\app on a 64 bit PC.
It offers some public VI's I can use when I make plugIns for the testsequenser.
My plugins is plased at: C:\Myplugins\
All this is on my developer PC(win8 64bit).
Now I have to deploy my plugin to some test PCs in the factory. They all run XP-32 bit.
On a 32bit PC there is only one program files folder called C:\program files
On my developer PC, my plugin is linking to C:\program files (x86)\app
On the test PC it wil find the subvi at: C:\program files\app.
My Q is: When I open my plugin at the testpc and close it again, will it then ask to be saved because the link to the subvi has changed?
I use LV8.2.1 32bit all the way around;)
Regards Bjarne
08-01-2014 07:05 PM
08-03-2014 08:13 PM
08-04-2014 01:09 AM
The Test Sequencer is a program delivered from a third part. It comes with an installer and it's not possible to place it else than C:\program files or C:\program files (x86)
All my VIs is placed outside C:\program files, but some them use public VIs from the Test sequencer.
Current my developer PC is a Vista 32bit and when I deploy VI to the Test Stations (XP-32bit PCs) the links to program files is ok.
My IT-department would like to change my developer PC to WIN8-64bit.
So my concern is: Can LV 8.2.1 see that the link in the VIs that point to C:\program files (x86) shall point to C:\program files without prompting the user?
If the user will be prompted when LV load the VI or when the VI get closed, I can't switch to WIN8-64bit, because it's not an option that the use should consider such things!
regards Bjarne
08-04-2014 06:33 AM
It really depends how you include the VIs in your program. If you include them directly in your diagram from the Program Files location then it will not work, since the path to the VI is embedded as absolute path in your LabVIEW VIs. If you carefully include the Test Executive VIs in a way that you call them dynamically through VI server then you have all the control about building the path to the VIs at runtime.
08-04-2014 07:24 AM
OK, I will stay on with 32bit on my developer PC.