10-06-2008 06:30 AM
I'm having trouble compiling my Simulink models after downgrading from SIT 5.0 to SIT 4.0.
When I try to build the .dll from the simulink model i get the following error:
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
mkdir C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit;C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit\ModelInterface\\tmw\lib
A subdirectory or file C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit already exists.
Error occurred while processing: C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit.
A subdirectory or file C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit\ModelInterface\\tmw\lib already exists.
Error occurred while processing: C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit\ModelInterface\\tmw\lib.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'copy' : return code '0x1'
Does anybody recognize this or know what to do about it?
10-06-2008 06:37 AM
First: That's a simulink question, this is a labview board, they are two different things (honest).
Second, it looks like your path is listed wrong. If you know where to set the path, remove the last \ in it. I may be completely wrong though, as I don't use simulink, but that's what the \\ in your path tells me.
Good luck
10-08-2008 09:13 AM
Hi Peter,
How did you "Downgrade" From SIT 5.0 to 4.0? Did you make sure that all the SIT files where removed?
A possible solution is to remove the files and folders mentioned in the error and see if the error repeats. Also, if you didn't when you downgraded, you might want to completely uninstall SIT, delete the C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit folder and then reinstall.
08-31-2009 11:33 PM
Hi Peter,
Try adding the following lines into the startup.m file