I plan to use digital I/O to create a SPI bus to read the output from a sensor. I need to repeat a 2 byte read at a 1ms interval. I was hoping to use a USB-8451 for this but I am unaware how I can control the 1ms repeat timing using LabVIEW. If I only need 100ms of data perhaps I can use the NI845x SPI Write Read.vi to read an array of 200 bytes and then divide the array up into 100 2-byte pieces. Depending on my sensor, I may need to deselect the Chip Select between the 100 reads to permit the DUT to update its data.
Alternatively, I have considered the USB-6221,6225,6229,6251,6259,6281 or 6289. These seem to have better hardware timing features but may be limited to 2047 samples. I assume that this means 256 bytes which could give me 128 samples from the sensor.
Thanks for any suggestions you can provide.