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STFT Understanding

Sorry but I do not own advanced signals toolkit, I will keep studying this issue, I really appreciate your help alten.

I leave you the file in case you are interested in seeing it, I hope you can open it.



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Message 11 of 12

A few things:

  1. Your 3 Hz signal is NOT in that pulse that you show.
  2. It appears to start after the pulse. You should see a faint line in the spectrogram after the pulse.
  3. The signals are there, the scaling in the plots makes it hard to see.
  4. The pulse looks like it has more energy in the spectrogram because the energy is localized in pulse, for the 3 Hz signal it is not localized.

3 Hz Signal after pulse3 Hz Signal after pulse


Increase the Z Scale to see 3 HzIncrease the Z Scale to see 3 Hz



Message 12 of 12