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Scope and Peak Detector

Hello Everyone


I am trying to find the highest peak of a 20 second signal from my oscilloscope. I used the producer/consumer template where you can queue in data from the waveform and one loop is in charge of acquiring the data and the other tries to get the highest peak and get the scopeshot with the peak plot.


I am not able to get the highest peak of my signal. When I manually trigger, the highest peak is 3 instead of 2, which I get with my VI.

Can anyone help on why I am not able to get the highest peak? My scope has a 2 GS/s maximum sample rate. I may get 3 because the frequency is so high and my sampling is not able to get that 3V peak.


Can I fix my program or do I need to start all over?

I included the picture below because I am using instrument drivers.


Any help is appreciated.



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