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Sending a sound *.wave file to a mobile using daq card

When I try to send a single tone frequency to a mobile radio , I am able to transmit the signal. But when I do the same when sending .wav file format ( recorded voice signal) the mobile radio does respond to the signal.

What could be wrong. I am using waveform format to send the signal.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Tannish,


The issue could lie with many different areas. In order to narrow down what might be going wrong or what should help, if you could provide some more in depth information, it would be helpful. Particularly, what type of DAQ card are you using, what are you recieving the signal with? Additionally, if you can provide code or the key VIs that you are using?


With this additional information it will be much easier to narrow down where the problem is coming from.



Evan See
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

HI ,


I am able to send audio using AO and also receive it in audio Format in AI for loop back connection.


First you need to have a .wav file . I am able to read it and Write Data in audio format. specification is  8000 Samples/ 8 bit mono.


For every sec i send 8000 Samples to daq card. i am using USB daq Card for this purpose.


Thanks for asking



Suresh Thangappan

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4



Here are some examples that should illustrate using .wav files in LabVIEW:


These may help you with reading the wave file.

Evan See
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4