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Sending sms using labview

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This is my school project . I need to implement the design to send sms by using labview. And I am using iTegno 3000 modem and I have no idea where to start. Can someone has any basic idea for me? Any specific commands to use for the modem that I use? 


Thank you so much for your help 🙂 


Have a nice day!! looking forward to all your kind reply...

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 36

research AT commands and SMS (most modems support a standard hayes AT command set for SMS), you will find line code or terminal commands for sending.  
Then your job is programming the serial interface in labview. 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 36

I have used Labview to send SMS messaged to my cellular phone before and will explain what I did.


But this method requires you to be connected to a network with an internet connection.


You simply send an SMS as email, most carriers do allow this.


In my case (Verizon) if I send an email to (phone I will receive it as a text message.


I have successfully used the built in Lab View email vi's and my companies Exchange server to do this.


If you do not have access to a mail server you can use a gmail account as the mail server.


Search the board for how to send mail using gmail's mail server. There are a couple good threads with useable code here.



=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 36

May I ask what is serial interface? I am sorry to ask you but I am totally lost since I am quite new for this and still reading the material for designing the block diagram in labview 😞


Thank you for your quick response. 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 36

Here is a tutorial on sending sms using a modem


Get it all the hardware working using this method before you even start writing Labview.


Once you have it all working using Hyper-Terminal you will have the basic understanding of what the task requires and writing Labview to do it should be easy.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 36



Thank you for  your information but I know how to send SMS using modem. The only problem is I don't have no idea how to implement the design for block diagram in labview. If you have any example or basic idea how to implement the design in labview, could you please share it to me? Thanks for your quick info for sending SMS using modem and I don't have hyperterminal to test on since I am using HP laptop, I couldn't find hyper-terminal so I have no idea of what the task has been done there.


But I am using iTegno modem so I can use iTegno modem office suite to send SMS to my mobile just by inserting sim card whether my modem can send SMS or not. And I am using Labview 2009 now.


Thank you a million times for your help 😄

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 36



Thank you for  your information but I know how to send SMS using modem. The only problem is I don't have no idea how to implement the design for block diagram in labview. If you have any example or basic idea how to implement the design in labview, could you please share it to me? Thanks for your quick info for sending SMS using modem and I don't have hyperterminal to test on since I am using HP laptop, I couldn't find hyper-terminal so I have no idea of what the task has been done there.


But I am using iTegno modem so I can use iTegno modem office suite to send SMS to my mobile just by inserting sim card whether my modem can send SMS or not. And I am using Labview 2009 now.


Thank you a million times for your help 😄

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 36

Hi all,


Thank you for helping me and I have researched and refer some example codes to compliment the design in labview to send sms. And attachment is my example VI and the problem is there is no error shown in labview but I couldn't be able to send sms to mobile phone yet. I don't know where is it wrong so please if you don't mind, can someone please help me to check my model 😞 thank you all for your help.

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Message 8 of 36
Accepted by topic author Genevie

Your sequence structures are absolutely unnecessary and are just getting in the way so remove them.


You are not sending a phone number - the yyyyyy is not at all correct and you are not sending a CTRL-z character. You are sending the text 'ctrl+z'. Set the string constant for hex display and enter 1A.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 36



Thank you for your information and now I have removed the sequence structure and change the"ctrl+z" into hex display which is 1A and do i need to include /1A or \1A? Since you mentioned that the yyyyy is not at all correct so what should do I need to put inside in [AT+CMGS="..."]. But I don't understand is that why do I need to remove the sequence structure? And is there any other errors in my block diagram and how about my front panel?Anything to change because I still can't run but can press continuous run  and it runs however, there is still no output, means I can't send sms.

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Message 10 of 36