01-25-2024 01:11 PM
Hello there , I'm having doubts about servo torque control , at sistem is using a DAQ and a delta asda a2 750w servo driver , and want to know the motor behavior of torque mode , in the servo driver manual say the input range is -10v/10v and if you apply 10v on input set the limit to 100% of rated torque , other case is 5v is 50% , so if I apply 5v on servo analog input what is the behavior of motor when I apply more torque than limit on the axle , like it ll spin counter motor way , and applying less torque on the axle the motor ll spin or stay on same position, by I know the motor stop if I reach the limit , another doubt is what default speed on torque mode or it not ll have a speed.
01-25-2024 01:59 PM
Great questions, and all your questions are about how your Servo controller Delta ASDA-A2 works; hence, the best place to refer is the user manual and Delta's customer support or forums.
It looks like all that the DAQ does is generate the +/-10V signal input to the Servo controller, and the servo controller does what it does based on the analog signal and other factors.