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Set Dynamic Data Attributes zeros waveform t0?

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I don't see what you are talking about for No Timestamp.  I had to convert your DAQ assistant to a couple of Simulate Signals since I don't have a DAQ card on my PC.  But the timestamps came through just fine.




For Lost Channel, you are losing the second channel because you converted from dynamic data to a single waveform.  As I said, you need to convert to an ARRAY of waveforms.





Message 11 of 13

Thanks for the assistance.


I don't have the DAQ in front of me to test run changes, but I will try the correct waveform conversion tomorrow.


I'm not sure how else to describe the missing timestamp problem, but what I was seeing matches the description presented by the person that started this thread.  I literally delete the data conversion VIs and the Time column in the measurement file is properly populated.  When I put the channel labels in as shown the first row Time value is correct and all the subsequent time values are identical as shown.  1904-01-01 00:00:00.00


1904-01-01 00:00:00.00
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

Here showing the timestamps fully populated on my VI.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 13