02-04-2013 10:49 PM
I am part of a undergrad project trying to generate a signal to a pump. We are using a NI 9472 with a cDAQ 9174 to run a ShurFlo 2088 series pump from a 12V power source.
Ultimately we want to generate a sinusoidal signal to the pump so that it pulses. For some reason our VI does not recognize the DAQ no matter how many times we try to recreate the coding.
Any help would be much appreciated!!
I've attached our physical set up and a picture of our code.
02-04-2013 11:30 PM
02-10-2013 07:41 PM
Unfortunately that is all I had to work with at the time as I did not have access to the computer from last semester.
However my group has made some progress and I have access to the programs now.
The exact problem we are having is that the pump "clicks" when the power turns on to the pump, but does not run. So from what I gather is that the code is allowing power to the pump, but maybe not enough? Or maybe is just momentarily turning it on?
What we want is for the pump to pulse at 1.2Hz.
One of our mentors suggested a PWM, but was unsure of the coding. Do you think that is the way to go, rather than the direction we are heading in?
I apologize if the project is rough around the edges, we are only recently familiar with LabView, and appreciate all the help given. Please let me know if you need any more information.