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Shared Variable Communication on PDA


I stumbled across something when using LV8.5 networked shared variables to communicate between a cFP2120 running RT5.0.1 and a PDA running Windows Mobile 5.


The problem seems to occur when creating shared variables from custom controls that contain enums. As soon a custom control contains an enum, the shared variable based on teh control will not contain the proper info in any of its fields. This seems to disappear when I convert the enum into a 32bit signed integer, or remove the enum alltogether.


Has anybody seen this before? 


Btw, using networked shared variables from custom controls with enums works great in Windows eXP / XP.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi Volker,


I am going to do some tests and look into this.  Thank you for reporting it.


Best Regards,

Bryan H.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Volker,


I tested this with LabVIEW 8.6.1 with Windows CE and did not have any problems.  Windows Mobile is based on Windows CE.


Best Regards,


Bryan H.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Are there any major differences between the mobile module for LV 8.5 and 8.6.1 and how they handle shared variables?


Try dropping a cluster control into a vi front panel and add a numeric control and enum to the cluster. Then make the cluster a type def and use this as basis for the networked shared variable. 


In any case; my workaround is to change the shared variable type to a string and flatten all the info to a string using the type def. Unflattening the string on the PDA side seems to yield all the correct values.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Volker,


I did it with the enum in a cluster and had problems.  When I did it the first time I had a numeric contol and an enum control.  I wrote both to shared variables.  They both updated fine.  


This time I added another shared variable that had an enum and a numeric control.  I wrote the same values to the cluster variable as the other two variables.  The values in the cluster did not update, while the other ones did.


I am going to do some more testing on this tomorrow.  


Thanks again for reporting this.

Bryan H.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5