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Shared Variables Deployment Error



Error displayed:

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: (Hex 0x8BBB0005) Unable to locate the shared variable in the Shared Variable Engine (SVE). Deployment of this shared variable may have failed, the SVE has not started, or the SVE is too busy to respond to this request.

This error or warning occurred while writing the following Shared Variable:
\\My Computer\button\Variable1


Hii, I am trying to run a code that involves connecting the joystick with MyRio and to use it to control DC motors. I am keep on receiving this error once I run the code but I have no idea why this is happening or how to fix it. When I searched online, it asks to match the IP address of my laptop with the IP address of the MyRio. However, when I do this, I am getting a different error that says Error -1967357949 occurred at an unidentified location. Possible reason(s): Unable to query Measurement & Automation Explorer for the Network Variable Engine. Any help or insight would be helpful for me, thank you!


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Message 1 of 4

I've never had much luck with Shared Variables -- almost every time I've tried to use them in a LabVIEW Real-Time Project, I ended up giving up on them and using Network Streams for Host/RT Target communication.  


It is really challenging to suggest where the error is for a LabVIEW Real-Time Project where we don't know what is being handled by the Host, and what by the RT Target (the myRIO).  The code that you failed to attach might have given us a clue.


I wonder what version of LabVIEW you are using.  Are you using the myRIO Software Toolkit (which only exists in specific LabVIEW versions)?  That would be good to know.


I also recommend that you attach the entire LabVIEW Project so that we can see both the Host and Target code.  To do this, right-click the Project Folder and choose "Send to", "Compressed (zipped) folder", and attach the resulting .zip file.  I do hope you are using LabVIEW 2019, as it took me several months (5-6) to figure out how to successfully install the Real-Time Toolkit 2021 with LabVIEW 2021.  And I don't have LabVIEW 2023 installed on my machines (so I hope you aren't using that version ...).


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 4

Hii, thank you for the response! I am using LabVIEW 2019 and I actually solved the problem I was facing by installing Network Variable Engine through MAX as I did not realise I did not have it installed. However, I am facing a new issue where I do not know how to connect the joystick Variables with the motor movement that I want. Hope you can help on this one!

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Message 3 of 4

The Good News is that the Project file (milestone 3 18-7.lvproj) that you attached confirms that you, indeed, are using LabVIEW 2019, which I am also using, so if you attach your VIs (ideally by right-clicking the Project, "Send to", "Compressed (zipped) folder" and attaching the resulting .zip files), I'll be able to see what you are trying to do.


I do see that you are using a myRIO, and want to access a Joystick using the myRIO.  I know the Host side (the PC) can use calls to DirectX (at least I think that's how they do it) to implement a Joystick in LabVIEW, but I'm not certain I've seen that myRIOs can also do this.  I've got a myRIO at home -- maybe I'll try it out.  If not, you could plug the Joystick into your PC, do the Joystick stuff on the PC, and send the results to the myRIO over TCP/IP (like Network Streams, which is how I "talk to" the myRIO).


Bob Schor  

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