09-14-2015 10:16 PM
Hi guys,
Im trying out shared variable.
Everytime I run the VI, there is a deployment progression.
How do I hide this pop up window everytime I run the VI?
09-22-2015 01:36 AM
Anyone have any idea?
09-22-2015 05:51 AM
As far as I know, you can't. The latest version of the shared variable libraries must be deployed to the shared variable engine each time you run it, unless it's running in an executable.
09-22-2015 09:01 AM
Right click on "My Computer" in the project and check "Disable Autodeploy Variables"
09-22-2015 09:02 PM
Hi, this is the pop up.
I dont see ''disable autodeploy variables''.
I only see it when building exe.
Any other alternative?
09-22-2015 09:42 PM
No, not in that dialog.
In your project. In the build specs for creating an .exe there is a section called Shared Variable Deployment that has a check box that says "Deploy shared variable libraries at applicaiton execution".